To bring our vision into reality the Law Clinic, through collaboration initiatives or otherwise, provides professional legal advice and representation in civil matters to members of the community who qualify for legal aid in Stellenbosch and surrounding areas and we offer legal education, including clinical legal education, to candidate attorneys, final-year law students and to members of the community, including the poor and marginalised.
The Law Clinic expects every employee to maintain the organization's core values in dealing with clients, colleagues and other stakeholders:
Crozier Street 18-24 , 7600
Tel: +27 (0)21 808 3600
Fax: +27 (0)21 808 3093
Email: Email:
Closed on public holidays.
1 Durbanstraat , Worcester Kampus , 6849
Tel: (023) 347 2656/7
Please contact the Law Clinic as to when we will be present at this address.
34 Lyell Street , Ceres , Ceres
Please contact the Law Clinic as to when we will be present at this address.