We can help!
Who We Are
The Law Clinic, situated at 18-24 Crozier Street in Stellenbosch, subscribes to the following vision, mission and values:

- A community that is legally empowered and that possesses a strengthened capacity to exercise their rights, either as individuals or as members of the community;
- Law graduates who are professionally trained and are at the highest echelons insofar as their employability is concerned; and
- A broader South African community that is sensitised to their social justice responsibilities.

To bring our vision into reality the Law Clinic, through collaboration initiatives or otherwise, provides professional legal advice and representation in civil matters to members of the community who qualify for legal aid in Stellenbosch and surrounding areas and we offer legal education, including clinical legal education, to candidate attorneys, final-year law students and to members of the community, including the poor and marginalised.

The Law Clinic expects every employee to maintain the organization’s core values in dealing with clients, colleagues and other stakeholders:
- Diligence and passion.
- Transparency, honesty and integrity.
- Respect.
Where We Are
We are extremely proud of Dr. Stephan van der Merwe, who recently obtained his Doctor of Laws....
Impact Matters
SU Law Clinic class action certification success: SU Law Clinic and others v Lifestyle Direct Group International and others.
The Clinic received judgment in one of our high impact matters in which our office opposed the eviction of an...
Workshops, Training, Conferences, and Other Initiatives
On 26 March 2022 the Clinic attended the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Community Dialogue on the Maintenance Act, 99 of...
Collaborations with the Black Stash
The Black Sash along with Stellenbosch University Law Clinic facilitated a stream on debt, credit and consumer rights at the...
Children’s Rights Project
Thank you to Legal Aid South Africa for enabling us to conduct a children’s rights project at primary schools in...
Hasselt Internship
The Clinic’s hosted a number of Hasselt interns for a 5-week internship programme. The interns were exposed to orientation and...
Wills Week
During 4 – 5 October 2022, staff from the Clinic paid a visit to the Kylemore community to assist 53...
Visit by Strathmore Law Clinic
The Clinic is pleased to have been able to host a delegation of staff and students from Strathmore University Law...
Constitutional Rights Project
From 17 October to 5 November 2022, the Clinic continued with its constitutional rights training project in terms of which...