The Black Sash along with Stellenbosch University Law Clinic facilitated a stream on debt, credit and consumer rights at the 6th annual Dullah Omar School for Paralegalism. We are proud of the work done by our team, represented by attorney Odwa Nweba and candidate legal practitioner Tsavo Raath.
On 12-14 July 2022, the Clinic’s Odwa Nweba and Tsavo Raath – in collaboration with the Credit Ombudsman, Black Sash Trust, and the National Credit Regulator – conducted community training in Pampierstad, Northern Cape. The training was based on the Debt, credit, and consumer rights manual, drafted by the Clinic, and the Clinic’s constitutional rights program. The sessions were well received and attended by over 50 community members. We are delighted to be a role-player in this important community empowerment initiative and look forward to continued collaboration with our community service partners in expanding it to other communities.
The Stellenbosch University Law Clinic and The Black Sash Trust are collaborating again to uplift marginalised communities and inform South Africans about their responsibilities and rights. Amanda Rinquest (Black Sash), and the Clinic's Tsavo Raath and Odwa Nweba (clockwise from left) are pictured whilst discussing the co-facilitation of a workshop where the organisations will train paralegals on debt, credit, and consumer rights.