Wat doen die Regskliniek?

Die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel kan doeltreffend werk slegs as gewone landsburgers dit as toeganklik en geloofwaardig beleef. Die Regskliniek is in ’n ideale posisie om geregtigheid binne bereik te plaas ook vir mense wat arm en gemarginaliseerd is.

Die Regskliniek is by Crozierstraat 18–24 in Stellenbosch. Dit word bedryf as ’n volwaardige prokureurskantoor wat regsdienste lewer aan mense wat arm en gemarginaliseerd is, en wat terselfdertyd finalejaar-regstudente en kandidaatprokureurs oplei in die praktiese toepassing van die reg. Die prokureurs en kandidaatprokureurs behoort aan verskeie regsforums in die Boland. Die Kliniek kweek ook ’n kultuur van burgerlike verantwoordelikheid deur middel van werksessies oor uitsettings, skuldverligting en gesinsgeweld.

Die Stellenbosse kliniek verskaf ook rugsteunregsdienste aan die regshulpkantore in Somerset West, Stellenbosch, Ceres en Worcester. Die Regskliniek se personeel ondersteun arm en gemarginaliseerde persone in ’n breë verskeidenheid burgerlike kwessies, waarvan uitsettings, egskeidings, gesinsgeweld en skuldverligting enkele voorbeelde is. Die Regskliniek fokus in die besonder op uitsettings van plase af, wat tans een van die heel belangrikste regskwessies in die Bolandstreek is. Uitsettings en die haweloosheid wat dit meebring, kan plaaswerkers en hulle kinders se basiese menseregte werklik bedreig – hulle raak uitgeworpenes met min hoop om weer blyplek te vind en hulle gesinslewe te behou.


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Please take notice that a class action will be instituted in the Western Cape Division of the High Court of South Africa against the companies and individuals listed below:

  1. Lifestyle Direct Group International (Pty) Ltd
  2. Capital Lifestyle Solutions (Pty) Ltd t/a Lifestyle Legal
  3. Loan Tracker SA (Pty) Ltd
  4. Loan Spotter SA (Pty) Ltd
  5. Loan Match SA (Pty) Ltd
  6. Loan Choice SA (Pty) Ltd
  7. Loan Quest SA (Pty) Ltd
  8. Loan Connector SA (Pty) Ltd
  9. Loan Hub SA (Pty) Ltd
  10. Loan Zone SA (Pty) Ltd
  11. Loan Locator SA (Pty) Ltd
  12. Loan Scout SA (Pty) Ltd
  13. Loan Tracer SA (Pty) Ltd
  14. Loan Detector SA (Pty) Ltd
  15. Lifestyle Legal (Pty) Ltd
  16. Lifestyle Attorneys (Pty) Ltd
  17. All Wheel Auto (Pty) Ltd
  18. Damian Malander
  19. Nandie Paich

Please take notice further that the class action will be brought on behalf of the following class:

“All persons who have had any monies debited from their bank accounts and/or who have been harassed and threatened in connection with any demand for or collection of payment by any of the respondents at any time from 20 May 2015 to date on the basis of them having concluded purported agreements with any of the respondents through any of the websites listed below:

Should you wish not to be a member of the class you may opt out of the class by notifying the class action attorneys of record, the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic, of your choice to so opt out by no later than Monday 30 October 2023.

The Stellenbosch University Law Clinic can be contacted at:

18 – 24 Crozier Street
Telephone: (021) 808 3600
Email: rhkadmin@sun.ac.za

Electronic copies of the Court’s order certifying the class action and the particulars of claim therein shall be available on the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic’s webpage – https://www.sulawclinic.co.za

You may contact the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic through the details provided above should you wish to obtain more information about the class action.