In ons strewe om ons visie te verwerklik, verskaf die Regskliniek deur middel van (onder meer) samewerkingsinisiatiewe professionele regshulp en verteenwoordiging in siviele sake aan lede van die gemeenskap in Stellenbosch en omstreke wat aan die vereistes vir regshulp voldoen. Ons bied ook regsopvoeding – kliniese regsopleiding ingesluit – aan kandidaatprokureurs, finalejaar-regstudente en lede van die gemeenskap, ook diegene wat arm en gemarginaliseerd is.
Crozierstraat 18-24 , Stellenbosch , 7600
Tel: +27 (0)21 887 6270
Fax: +27 (0)21 808 3093
Die Regskliniek is toe op publieke vakansiedae
1 Durbanstraat , Worcester Kampus , 6849
Tel: (023) 347 2656/7
Kontak asseblief die Regskliniek in verband met wanneer ons by hierdie adres teenwoordig sal wees.
34 Lyell Street , Ceres , 6835
Kontak asseblief die Regskliniek in verband met wanneer ons by hierdie adres teenwoordig sal wees.
It is comforting and reassuring to know that in this area we have a Law clinic which appreciates the absolute importance of obtaining a qualified and experienced legal representation for parties who are saddled with legal issues.
I can attest to the fact that your clinic highly recognizes the importance of legal representation as a means of enforcing rights and interests.
I wish to express my thanks and sincere appreciation…for your willingness to be a champion of justice. Without your forthcoming response and your consideration to the matters which we had, we would be still sitting with protracted litigation and litigants saddled with high fees.
Thank you for such wonderful and immeasurable support. I do acknowledge your contribution to the justice system and it means a lot. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for the court.